The Creators

"We're not saying this is easy, we're just saying that you can only be successful in this life if you fully dedicate yourself to the cause."


                I never thought I’d truly become a clean eater. I’m only 16. I’ve been through just about every phase a teenager can go through, and then some. More so than every other phase, I’ve tried to be what I used to consider “healthy.” Usually that consisted of buying “lower sodium!” potato chips and some strawberries and blueberries, which usually ended with me giving up and throwing in the towel after a few days. This past July of 2013, inspired by Valentina, everything finally clicked, and I’ve been able to stick with it this time.
               Other than my clean eating habits, I guess there are only a few things you need to know about me as a person. I’ve played volleyball since I was twelve, and since then I’ve played club, school and CYO (until ninth grade) volleyball every year. Now I’m a sophomore, and my central hobbies are few but very important to me. I adore writing for both my school newspaper and in my free time, reading, enjoying time with friends, or even being a dork and watching history channel specials. I’m extremely excited for Valentina and I’s passion of clean eating to make it to the world wide web and seeing where we can go with this! 


I was never completely healthy when it came to eating, and in my mind it didn’t matter. I would always prefer fruit over chips, but that’s because I was never really a fan of them. Nevertheless, I still ate junk food, which was okay because I am young, but I didn’t realize how harmful it was to my body until about two years ago. I started to eat healthier, like have salads for lunch or granola bars as a snack, but usually the health aspect of the salad would be ruined by high fat/sodium dressings and the granola bars would be very processed and sugary despite the label stating that it was “only 90 calories!” which is all that I cared about. I was never confident about my body or myself and would constantly complain about the way my legs looked in certain pants and so on. Finally, last year I wanted to make a difference in myself.  I began truly eating healthier, but it wasn’t until July where Jaimee and I decided to try the concept of “clean eating.” This time, I stuck with it, saw results, and am finally happy with the way I look in the mirror and in clothes that I never used to think looked good on me.
Clean eating is definitely a big part of my life, but my other hobbies include volleyball, hanging out with friends, listening to music, shopping, and photography. I started to play volleyball for school in seventh grade and since then I’ve been involved in club, CYO, and most recently high school. In fact, Jaimee and I met through volleyball which I am so grateful for! I honestly think that without her support I wouldn’t have come this far and throughout this journey we’ve become so much closer. I can’t wait for our story, recipes, advice to reach a wider audience and to see how much more we can achieve.

Left-Jaimee Right-Valentina

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